DKU Affiliate Research Fellows

Under its DKU Affiliate Research Fellows Program, the DKU provides the opportunity for researchers from other universities to come to Almaty as visiting researchers to enrich the DKU community. They may conduct their own research and/or collaborate with DKU faculty in an area of common interest. To be eligible, you must have a research theme related to DKU's expertise.

The DKU Fellows Program is divided into two categories: Junior Fellows who are at least enrolled in an MA program; and Senior Fellows who have obtained a doctorate. The possible duration of a DKU Fellow's stay is between two weeks and six months. During their stay, they will be provided a dedicated working space with internet access and a printer. One desktop computer with a large 26” monitor is also available in the Fellows room. Fellows are entitled to use DKU research facilities, including its library and on-line library resources (JSTOR, Web of Science, Science Direct, Scopus, etc.). Click on one of the grey bars on the right side to see the full list of all former and current Senior and Junior Fellows.

DKU Affiliate Research Fellowships are generally unpaid. However, depending on funding availability, we may award Fellows subject-specific allowances. Currently, we have no funding opportunity. Interested Germans may generally apply for a DAAD short-term lectureship (“Kurzzeitdozentur”) to get funding for a stay as a DKU Fellow, which extends from four weeks up to six months.

We expect Fellows hosted for four weeks or more to prepare an article for one of the DKU's research outlets (DKU Occasional Papers or CAJWR) during their stay - and to give one speech in the DKU Talks series, provided that the stay arises during the semester. 

We require interested prospective DKU Fellows to commence the application process at least six months prior to their proposed visit.  The following materials, which must be in English, should be included in the application:

  • cover letter indicating your applicable status (Junior or Senior), the proposed visit duration, all dates and the DKU faculty to which the research is related: Economics, Engineering Economics or Social and Political Sciences. If you plan to stay four weeks or more, please, also propose the title of your talk, the title of your paper and the DKU outlet for its further publication: DKU Occasional Papers or CAJWR;
  • curriculum vitae;
  • brief description and implementation plan for the proposed research project, including a statement explaining why DKU is the appropriate setting for the work.

Please, send your full application in one PDF file to

DKU Senior Fellows

DKU Junior Fellows